Water Conservation

Image of irrigation timer, with reminder to water only when necessaryWater conservation is the most important action we can take to sustain our water supplies, meet future water needs and reduce demands on Florida’s water-dependent ecosystems such as springs, rivers, lakes and wetlands. 

Water conservation activities can be implemented by utilities, sometimes utilizing cost-share programs offered by one of the five regional water management districts; through regulation, such as landscape irrigation restrictions, but most importantly, water conservation can be implemented by YOU!


thumbnail of water conservation infographic

Understanding Water Conservation

View this helpful infographic to find ways you can save water both inside your home and outdoors.



Understanding Reclaimed Water Thumbnail

Understanding Reclaimed Water

Reclaimed water is highly treated domestic wastewater that can be reused for irrigation and other beneficial purposes to extend our water supplies. View this infographic to learn how reclaimed water is used and how to use reclaimed water responsibly.


Did You Know?

Water conservation measures, adoption of year-round landscape irrigation restrictions, increased use of reclaimed water and the use of Florida-Friendly Landscaping techniques together have significantly lowered water usage in Florida.
Each minute you reduce your shower can save 2.5 gallons of water.
Turning off the water while you brush your teeth can save about 4.5 gallons of water.
Using water saving fixtures, such as low flow showerheads, faucets and toilets can reduce indoor water usage by 20%.
Save water by positioning sprinklers so the water lands on your lawn and garden, not on paved or impervious areas like driveways and sidewalks.
Your lawn and garden don't need the same amount of water year round. Summer rain provides ample rain, and you can skip watering plants that are dormant during winter months. Be aware of how much water your plants really need.
A hose uses between 9-23 gallons per minute. To save water, turn off the water or close the nozzle when the hose is not in use. Avoid using the hose when a broom will do.

Additional Resources

Photo of water star home

Florida Water Star

Florida Water Star LogoFlorida Water Star is a water conservation certification program for new and existing homes, and commercial developments.

Standards and guidelines for water efficiency are included for indoor fixtures and appliances, landscape design and irrigation systems.

Florida Water Star




Image of Florida Friendly Landscaping

Florida Friendly Landscaping

Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ (FFL) means using low-maintenance plants and environmentally sustainable practices. U..F I.F.A.S. Extension and Florida Friendly Landscaping Program LogoLearn how you can have a beautiful landscape that could save you time, energy and money while protecting our future.

Learn More About FFL

Image of toothbrush on sink with reminder note on mirror to turn off water when brushing teeth.

Water Use Calculator

The Southwest Florida Water Management District's Water Use Calculator can estimate water usage in your household. Calculations are based on local averages and national benchmarks.

Calculate Water Usage

Row crops with storage pond

Agricultural Water Conservation

Water management districts coordinate with farmers all over the state to conserve water and reduce agricultural water use from the Floridan Aquifer. 

Southwest Florida FARMS Program  St. Johns River Agricultural Cost-Share Program

Collage images from water sense for kids

EPA's WaterSense for Kids

Do you know how much water a family of four uses every day in the United States? Not 50 gallons, not 100 gallons, but 400 gallons! EPA Water Sense Program LogoYou could take up to 10 baths with that much water, but who would want to do that?

Fortunately, there are many things we can do to save. 

Save Water with WaterSense

Thumbnail of the USGS Water Cycle for School and Kids. (Credit: Howard Perlman, USGS. Public domain.)

USGS Water Science School

U.S. Geological Survey's Water Science School offers information on many water topics, along with pictures, data, maps and an interactive center. Information is provided for students of all ages. Topics include water basics, water properties, the water cycle, surface water, ground water water quality and water use.

Water Science School

Irrigation storage trench with spray irrigation


Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ (DACS) Best Management Practice manuals provide essential information for agricultural producers working to conserve water and reduce the amount of nutrients and other pollutants entering our surface water and groundwater systems. 


2021 Statewide Annual Report Cover Page


Each year, DEP prepares a report detailing the status of environmental assessment and restoration programs, including total maximum daily loads, basin management action plans, minimum flows and minimum water levels, and recovery or prevention strategies.

STAR Report